Family Pictures Uncover Hideous Facial Hair Mistake!
Most people will confess to having a bad photographic experience with their driver's license, but few would purposely sabotage their looks and then go so far as to include the obvious error in judgment in one of their family portraits. Apparently, the Burkes feel no such restrictions. Check out their Family portraits from the last fifteen years and see (among other things) the hideous mustache of 1995!
Genealogy No Longer in Question as Photo Reveals the Painful Truth!
The faint hope that Dave could somehow explain himself by claiming he was the result of some sort of weird alien encounter was dashed recently when photos revealed irrefutable evidence of his direct connection to the Burke family line. Our photo clearly shows the progression of the unavoidable, if impressive, Burke Schnoz through the generations. Scroll to the picture below to see the evidence, but be warned: the photo may frighten small children and animals!